Future Arrangements for System Services - All-Island System Services Supplier Charge
Affected Period
Run type
11/09/2024 13:33
Last Updated
11/09/2024 13:35
Dear Suppliers,
As part
of the ongoing work to develop Future Arrangements for System Services, EirGrid
and SONI have developed proposals for the new All-Island System Services Supplier
Charge. These proposals are based on the
High-Level Design set out by the SEM Committee (SEM-22-012) and are informed by the collaborative design undertaken with our
partners AFRY and with regulatory engagement. Further information on the FASS programme can be
found on the EirGrid and SONI websites.
SONI and
EirGrid have published a consultation
paper (EirGrid link, SONI link) on the new All-Island System Services Supplier Charge. The
TSOs notified Customers and Stakeholders of the consultation publication on the
31st of July. The consultation remains open until the
18th of September. We invite your responses, structured in line with
the specific questions raised in this paper, to be submitted via the
consultation portal.
Please note
your response will be publicly available for viewing on the portal. If you
require your response to remain confidential, please clearly state this in your
SONI and EirGrid held a virtual industry workshop on Thursday 5th
September 2024, where the TSOs and our partners Afry presented the All-Island
System Services Supplier Charge Consultation Paper and hosted a Q&A
session. The workshop
slides (EirGrid link, SONI link) and
Q&A (EirGrid link, SONI link) are
now available on the TSOs websites.
If you have any
queries, please do not hesitate to reach out to FASSProgramme@soni.ltd.uk or FASS@Eirgrid.com.
Best regards,
FASS Programme Team