Harmonized Minimum and Maximum Clearing Price - SDAC Process Trigger

Affected Period



Run type

24/11/2023 09:10

Last Updated
24/11/2023 09:24

Dear Market Member,

During the Day Ahead Auction of trade 24th November, an issue was encountered relating the Harmonized Minimum and Maximum Clearing Price (HMMCP) process being triggered, with a minimum price trigger of -€500 being encountered in the Finnish Bidding Zone. As a result, SDAC have now entered the  'observation period' of the HMMCP procedure, with the start date of this period being 24 November 2023 and will be ending on 23 December 2023 (trading day). 

As a reminder, if a minimum price of at least 70% (-350 euros/MWh) of the minimum clearing price (-500 euros/MWh) is encountered in the SDAC market (in one bidding zone, for at least one trading period) until the end date of 23/12/2023, the HMMCP procedure will be triggered and the minimum low price will need to be decreased by 100 euros. 

Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

SEMOpx Team